wordpress consultant-studio spinner

Your Trusted WordPress Consultant

Using my practical, cutting-edge, WordPress knowledge to help you take control of your website.

What best describes what your looking for?

wordpress consultant

WordPress powers nearly one-third of the world’s websites, from small personal blogs to the complex sites of major corporations. It’s a very flexible platform which starts off simply and increases in sophistication as your needs change. 

I had been designing and developing websites for years. Years ago I decided to use WordPress as my website platform of choice. Whether you are a beginner or have managed your own website for years, I have the skills to guide you through the options and functions for creating / improving your website!

I will help YOU take control so you can build trust for your product and guide your visitors to take action.

Looking for a Webmaster?
Looking for webmaster who can update and maintain a website. Whether its for you or for one of your clients, sites do require maintenance. As the different programs are updated (be it on the host or the plugins on your own site), conflicts can and do arise and your site can become inaccessible. Of course there is also backups and security to take care of…. I have years of experience in the hundreds of sites I have developed over the years, from the small personal websites, to the professional and including corporate sites.

Choosing the Best WordPress Template

Using a template means making your content fit someone elses’ design.  I prefer to take your content and have the design fit your unique content, making your website as unique as your business.

You need help getting started

So many people recommend WordPress and you know it’s one of the most widely used platforms in the world.

  • How much does it cost to create a WordPress site?
  • How long does it take to create a WordPress site?
  • How to set up a blog on your site.
  • Adding text and pictures. 
  • Defining WordPress themes and picking the best one for your site.
  • What is a domain name and web hosting and do you need them to use WordPress?
  • Do you really have to learn all this new terminology?

You need to make changes on your site and you don’t know how.

  • You want to update your content, text and images.
  • You want to add a waze / phone link, like you see on other sites.
  • How to put videos on your website.
  • Adding a blog with pictures.
  • Additional pages / menu items / popups
  • What are plugins and why you need them.

You want to improve your site with some new features.

Your WordPress site has been up for a while and now its time to improve it. You’ve seen some great functions on other sites but don’t know how to add them to your own.

  • You would like a “pop up” contact file.
  • You want to add a gallery of pictures with captions and links.
  • Do you have to add “plugins” for additional functions?
  • Are there good and bad plugins?
  • Should you create a video library with Vimeo instead of YouTube?
  • Your mobile version isn’t very good, especially the headers.
  • How does one make a “slider” where the pictures change?

Your site needs a serious upgrade

Your WordPress site is showing its age. And you know what you have to change to better adapt to your clients’ needs. You want to add additional functions and have more control over your own site.

  • A page of FAQ’s.
  • eCommerce
  • A landing page
  • Google Analytics / Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • A database with products.
  • What is php and do you need it?
  • Do you have to add plugins or are the functions within your Page builder enough?
  • Do you need the “pro version” of my page builder?
  • Where are the backups supposed to be? Do you currently have any? How do you use them?
  • Why do you keep getting email warnings from your host about outdated plugins?
wordpress consultant-studio spinner


Just give me a call, send an email, or WhatsApp message